One Speaks About


Introducing Healthy Vita-Hideout!
Introducing Healthy Vita-Hideout!

We all know it, there’s a very specific feeling to a "first time", whether it’s a first journey or a first day at a new job. It’s a combination of exhilaration and fear. And although I’ve read books with psychologic…

My new Passion - The true Potential of Neuroscience!
My new Passion - The true Potential of Neuroscience!

I took the opportunity to join a league of extraordinary professionals who understand the true potential of Neuroscience as a tool for a transformative human change and Brain Health. In January 2025 I received my “Certificate…

Winter thoughts at Vitalux!
Winter thoughts at Vitalux!

Always be impressed by kindness, empathy, honesty, humility and Generosity!

Know the difference between those who talk to you in their free time and those who free their time to talk to you! …be the One!

The Consistency Code!
The Consistency Code!

Putting your health (work) routine on repeat boasts your motivation.

But spontaneity is also key! Here is the right mix for max results and zero bore down. Consistency is one of the most powerful tools you have, your brain…

Vitalux - Great leadership for me isn’t about control - Doris Kavcic!
Vitalux - Great leadership for me isn’t about control - Doris Kavcic!

Great leadership for me isn’t about control. It’s about empowering others: Connect with your people, inspire them with a vision, instil confidence in them, teach them to make each other better and share openly what is going on in…

The importance of Intrinsic Motivation - Key elements of emotional Intelligence!
The importance of Intrinsic Motivation - Key elements of emotional Intelligence!

The intrinsic motivation is so important! It is one of those key elements of emotional intelligence. In general, people who are intrinsically motivated by what’s important to them, are much happier than people who focus on the…

Winter thoughts at Vitalux!
Winter thoughts at Vitalux!

Always embrace change as the only constant in life!

Focus on the opportunities it brings and use it as a chance to grow, to learn and to adapt constantly to new situations! And above all: Surround yourself with people with…

Nutrition & Peace Food - Decisive Foundation of fundamentally good Health!
Nutrition & Peace Food - Decisive Foundation of fundamentally good Health!

Healthy nutrition is the decisive foundation for fundamentally good health. But what exactly does eating properly involve?

Ruediger Dahlke, a psychologist, whose books I've read since I was 23, has not eaten meat since his…

Jesica Reyes - Personal Trainer
Jesica Reyes - Personal Trainer

"Jésica ®reyes"

Personal Trainer with extensive experience in the Sports and Fitness sector, Trainer of Athletes, Amateurs and public figure.

Restore & Revitalise Yourself – The Heart-Mind Connection!
Restore & Revitalise Yourself – The Heart-Mind Connection!

There’s a new relationship racking up column inches in the science journals: The one between your head and your heart. Could it be the key to manage your health?

Here is what you need to know! The mind-brain connection…

Winter thoughts at Vitalux!
Winter thoughts at Vitalux!

There is always a moment for gratitude!

It's also about inspiring each other to become a better version of yourselves day by day and providing immediate support where needed. Just because someone carries a situation well,…

Digital Detox – How unplugging to recharge and reconnect Supports our health and Sanity
Digital Detox – How unplugging to recharge and reconnect Supports our health and Sanity

Turning off technology shows people we are present in their humanity!

In Real life, referring to things that occur offline, person-to-person, and it connotes that life online is not fully real. We all need to disconnect…

Franca Villarroel - Emotional Business Consultant
Franca Villarroel - Emotional Business Consultant

"Franca Villarroel"

Emotional Business Consultant specialized in Leadership Coaching & Training, Team-Coachings, Personal Change & Transformation.

Take a break
Take a break

A good memory isn’t just above retrieving Information; it also brings a great deal of richness to your life. If your grey matter could do with a retune, having more periods of restful wakefulness in your day could help you create…

Winter Thoughts at Vitalux!
Winter Thoughts at Vitalux!

Trust the wait, embrace the uncertainty and enjoy the beauty of becoming!

When nothing is certain anything is possible! There is a divine purpose behind everything and therefore a divine presence in everything!

Our chosen environment helps us to be healthier and enhance our wellbeing!
Our chosen environment helps us to be healthier and enhance our wellbeing!

In the design world called “Wellness Architecture”, sometimes referred to as biophilic design or enlightened design, is exchanging the conversation on how we interact with being inside. The concept purports that it’s…

The Balance Sheet - The Story of a Change that will Change the future!
The Balance Sheet - The Story of a Change that will Change the future!

What happens when a global, over-accelerated, hyper-connected society is stopped in the middle of a run?

Everything can happen. Mass unemployment. Impoverishment. Social decay. Economic crisis. Madness and terror. Civil…

Tobi Sömmer - Certified Physiotherapist
Tobi Sömmer - Certified Physiotherapist

Tobi Sömmer

Certified physiotherapist  specialized in: manual therapy, massages, Fascia and Pain therapy and…

Think little – Summer thoughts – Ready, steady, go!
Think little – Summer thoughts – Ready, steady, go!

You want to boost your memory, sleep more soundly or stick to a healthy lifestyle?

According to a recent survey by a leading supplement Brand, three-quarters of us agree that doing something we used to enjoy in childhood makes…

Winter thoughts at Vitalux!
Winter thoughts at Vitalux!

The future and our attitude to it have a decisive influence on it!

We overcome fear when we accept it, we grow beyond our fear. This creates gratitude for our actual situation. We rediscover what we may have neglected so far…