Healthy nutrition is the decisive foundation for fundamentally good health. But what exactly does eating properly involve?
Ruediger Dahlke, a psychologist, whose books I've read since I was 23, has not eaten meat since his…
There’s a new relationship racking up column inches in the science journals: The one between your head and your heart. Could it be the key to manage your health?
Here is what you need to know! The mind-brain connection…
A good memory isn’t just above retrieving Information; it also brings a great deal of richness to your life. If your grey matter could do with a retune, having more periods of restful wakefulness in your day could help you create…
In the design world called “Wellness Architecture”, sometimes referred to as biophilic design or enlightened design, is exchanging the conversation on how we interact with being inside. The concept purports that it’s…
You have heard meditation is good you, and it is really a challenge, I know, but did you know mindful breathing creates new neural pathways in your brain, too potentially reducing age-related cognitive decline? In a study published…
The World Health Organization provides the advice and evidence needed for people to lead healthy lives. Good health requires the commitment of many, from lawmakers to lunch makers. And there are steps each of us can take to promote…